(What’s your story) for branding glory?

Why are stories so important in marketing and branding? Here’s a few reasons I can think of…

1. Stories are relatable

Customers will connect with your brand on a deeper level when you share the story behind how it was conceived and how it has developed.

2. Stories are memorable

When they’re next in the market for your product or service, customers will find it easier to recall your brand story and re-connect with you.

3. Stories are shareable

Customers are better able to relay stories to others compared with product facts and features, making them your brand ambassadors.

A well written, genuine and shared brand story will connect your business with the right people. It won’t over promise or under sell your values, strengths and benefits. In time, your customer’s own experiences with your business will also form part of the brand’s story.

In the same way, case studies and client stories make for better content than product data sheets and feature lists. A good client story will outline the challenges, the solution and the benefits of working with or using your products and services. Rounded off with a client testimonial and, where possible, key statistics measuring the positive impact of working with you, and you’ve got the perfect, undisputable benefits of buying into your brand.

In short…

“Specifications can only signpost customers, but stories will seal the deal.”

Author: Neil Corrigan

Branding and marketing specialist helping businesses grow their client base, market share and turnover.


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