Would you opt for an AI - Artificial Identity?

Rarely a day goes by at the moment that our social and news feeds don’t feature another post about how AI is disrupting the creative sectors and making graphic designers redundant.

There are undoubtedly a lot of positives that this fast developing technology can have, but to rely solely on something that in the end, can’t create anything without copying or using something that already exists, seems to lack any creativity at all.

There is an age old question that asks, ‘is anything truly original?’. This is very true, especially with the internet and the vast number of designers out there having instant access to everything that has ever been created for all to see.

What we do for a living is produce creative and relevant solutions for clients, so it’s hard to see how software that can only produce something from what already exists can be a good thing.

This got us thinking about what would happen if we were to ask AI to re-design for some of the world’s most popular brands. 

We decided to conduct a simple experiment, tasking one of the ‘leading’ AI logo creation websites to rebrand a selection of the world’s most recognised logos to see what it could come up with.

The results are, well, see for yourself…

I think it’s fair to say that none of the logos produced by the AI ‘engine’ would see any of the brands enjoy the success that they have today.

So the question is, would you use AI or originality when it comes to designing your company’s logo?


Transforming complex into compelling


Just what the doctor ordered!